Well, this is a busy week.
Monday night we had a softball meeting for Peanut. Then, I went to Bible Study Fellowship, I made it for the lecture. It was about the Israelites groaning and complaining to Moses, only a month after the parting of the Red Sea! I thought to my self, self, you are grumbling and complaining. The changes at work, the busy life, all of it, grumble, grumble. She pointed out that when we believe that God is in control of all things and we grumble, we actually grumble against God. WOW! that was a big one to swallow.
Then, I prayed without ceasing, as many of you did, on Tuesday. Peanut had her first basketball game. She hasn't played in two years, but she tho't she needed something to do. *why?* They won, by just a basket or so, but they did it. Came home and watched election results. Wondered, why is it that the western states even vote, because they had it decided before our polls even closed. Continued to pray...
Wednesday, had a crazy busy day at work, came home long enough to do something, I can't quite remember then headed to church. I got to be in the nursery and play with the babies. I love babies. Did I mention I love babies??? That was so much fun. I was with Vicki and she makes me laugh, so it was good times.
Tonight, I worked crazy busy again til after 4. Peanut had a basketball game at 4, so I raced there. They pulled it off by the hair of their chiny, chin , chin. They were playing Sutherlin and one of the little girls that is on their soccer team was playing against them. It was pretty funny to watch them become competitive against each other instead of with each other.
I will try to get some pictures of her playing basketball, but so far, I haven't remembered by camera.
Then, I had to talk to a friend. T., her daughter is trying to see a boy that she doesn't want her to see. Her daughter is just 16 and a sophomore, the boy 18 and in college. I told her to stand firm. God will work if she allows Him to, she is doing the right things. It is hard to take things away and see them hurt, but it is harder to watch a boy destroy their spirit. I promised to pray for her and her daughter. It is so tough some days. I like to come and read about my friends and their adventures, the "simpler" days. Sometimes, I can't even remember when my kids were that little. I wish I could bring it back some days. Some days, I thank God that He is with me on this journey. I need to do it EVERY day! So, my prayer for each of you, is knowing that God is with you on your journey, wherever that may lead.
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