Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mud anyone??

Peanut had another busy day... She had a basketball game after school today at Winston. Papa took her sister to the game and then brought the two of them home afterwards. Peanut then got ready for soccer practice and headed out with her dad. I got home after a weird day that can be discussed later, to talk to my dad, my sister, and my mom on the phone. This is what Peanut looked like when she got home...the first time I had seen her since I woke her up this morning.

She had, she is taking ibuprofen and naproxen to get to sleep :~} Poor kid, she'll be fine tomorrow...she's got another game.


Jessica said...

Oh my what a day. She is too cute!
Mud or not. =)

Cheryl said...

Lookin' good! She must be exhausted by the end of the day!

Mommy Lion said...

She's cute even covered in MUD! *smile* I still can't believe how those sweet little girls are turning into beautiful young women right before my eyes!