Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Luiz Thanksgiving....
Bugg, Peanut, Me, Michelle, Cay, Grandma, Jeff, Eric, Joe, Kaylee
Grandma always has to have a picture of her and the boys....
They really wanted to lift their shirts for her but she wasn't so game.
Bugg loves her Uncle
My folks came with us, I am proud to say. I asked for a pic and Mom says again??? So daddy is actually pushing her away!! :~{
She loves to cuddle with her boys when she comes around.
Peanut doesn't like smiling for the camera, but her daddy made her.
Cay, Dorothy and Bugg. Cay was actually saying she needed to wash her hands, but you know.

Joe got to talking politics with Nana. He is pretty funny. He is drinking his Shannon Ridge wine, as well as wearing the sweatshirt.
I had no idea that Nansi Jayne was standing behind Cay and I, so I say to Dorothy, who took the picture, "did you get Cay in it, cause it sure looked like you were pointing it at me." Well, then I knew why. Nansi Jayne is Cay's Mom.
I told the girls they needed to get with Grandma, cause they all had the same curly hair :~}

Erie loo is trying to barbecue the ham and the turkey and this is what Daddy and Jeff are doing!!! Nice huh??
Me and Dorothy hammin' it up.
Joe got to talking politics with Nana. He is pretty funny. He is drinking his Shannon Ridge wine, as well as wearing the sweatshirt.
Erie loo is trying to barbecue the ham and the turkey and this is what Daddy and Jeff are doing!!! Nice huh??
So that was just a glimpse of our day. We really had a great time. We are glad that we got to spend the day with family.
Happy Thanksgiving.
1. My husband
2. My Jesus
3. My girls
4. My parents
5. My sister
6. My in laws
7. My friends
8. My home
9. My Church
10. My career
those are just some of the things I am thankful for....
Playing catch up again....
So, last Sunday, after church Bugg has volleyball tryouts for club, Peanut has to clean her room, hubs is hunting. Mom calls while getting ready to pick up Bugg from tryouts and says, "Daddy needs your help, the water heater is leaking." OK, I need to get the girls and we will head out.
I get Bugg, go home for Peanut and Mom's presents, you see, it is her birthday on Monday and I am due to be at work til 8 pm. Out we go.
The closet had been flooded, all the stuff moved out and Daddy was trying to get the heater to drain. The drain valve wasn't cooperating, it was plastic and his hose was metal, so they didn't like each other. So, to keep Nana busy, we had her open her presents with the girls.
This is me and Papa, in the closet, trying to make the drain work, but the shop vac is actually working harder than the drain!
Hubs was called and he and Kenny came to the rescue. While Papa and Hubs were in buying a new water heater, Kenny and I took the old one out. This picture is actually after Kenny tried to knock me off the step with the water heater in tow!!!
So, that is how our Sunday went.
Monday, turned out to be not so bad. I didn't have to stay at work til 8 pm, only 6pm. Tuesday, Peanut had a basketball game in Myrtle Creek. We drove the spot we knew and there was no longer a gym there, so we had to drive around and find the BRAND NEW gym and our friend Michelle.
Peanut played really well, she got 3 of her 5 free throws and made another couple of baskets. It was quite the physical game. At one point our coach called for a "timeout" and the referee said, "thank you". It was pretty funny.
Wednesday, we headed to the movie, all 4 of us. We went to see Fireproof. We arrived at Harvard Cinema in plenty of time for the 6:05 start, for them to tell us that it was moved to the other cinema, and it started at 5:40! Sorry, you missed it. By the time we got to the other cinema it was far to late to catch the movie and it wasn't showing again that night. So we all went to see Madagascar 2, it was kind of fun to go as a family. We all laughed and ate popcorn together. It was a special evening. Still bummed about Fireproof, but I have til Tuesday.
Now, it is Thanksgiving Day. I am catching up with emails, reading other blogs, yada yada yada. I also am cooking a turkey. Taking it to the bro-in-law. Mother-in-law, youngest brother-in-law are in town and we are having the dinner at the in-laws. Still cooking a turkey. Don't mind though, hubs is working, girls are sleeping. Nice quiet morning. Will be fun. Mom and Dad are going to come over and eat with us as well. Should be a good day.
Hope all of you have a blessed Thanksgiving. Most of all, I hope that you can count off 10 things you are thankful for, before the day is done.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday night
Well, it actually started on Thursday, but anyway. Bugg, has been reading the book series by Stephenie Meyer, called Twilight. It is a huge teen sensation. I guess the author is a Mormon, had a dream and woke up thinking it would be a good story to write about. So the story goes, she thought maybe she could pay off her mini van by writing this book. Well, 4 books and a movie later, she is probably buying a new minivan.
The book is about a young girl who moves to a new school and meets this very interesting boy, almost immediately she is smitten with him, turns out he is a vampire.....
It only goes on from there. So the movie premiere was Thursday night at Midnight. A long awaited movie, especially since Bugg doesn't read much, but has devoured these books. She picked up her ticket nearly a week ago for the Midnight showing. She made plans with one of her girlfriends and they got to the Theatre at 10 pm. The line was hugely long. I have never seen it that long. They all already had their tickets, it was sold out, in two movie theatres, at MIDNIGHT. WOW! So our good friend Ken, was working the night shift at the big S and he offered to bring her home at 2:30 am. So we (Jeff and I) could hear the truck coming and knew Bugg was almost home.
She came rushing into our bedroom, "Oh my gosh, it was so good. It was like the book, but you know it is only the first book and I have to wait til 2010 to watch the next one!!!!"
I says, "so you liked it?"
"Oh my gosh, yes, it was so good! I have to go to the you...goodnight!"
Off she went.
So at work Friday, I get a call from Peanut, "just a heads up Mom, K and her mom are going to the movie tonight and want us to go with them. Just a heads up". Well, I being the me I am wasn't too interested in seeing this movie, I hadn't read the books and I knew it was something that Bugg really enjoyed so I didn't want to get in the way of the excitement, if that makes any sense. So I contemplate the idea. We had a "girls night" with this mom and daughter a while back, after that whole email thing and all. They thought they owed us a reciprocation. So Peanut and I have this big discussion, K calls and says we are on our way we will call you if there are any tickets available. OK. So 5 minutes later she calls and says, "they are sold out". Two minutes after that they call back and say, we have two tickets for you, come meet us here. So to the movie I went. It was a good movie. I think because I hadn't read the book and I didn't know what to expect it was easier for me to watch it. Then the 4 of us headed out to Applebees for dinner and dessert. It was a fun evening. Even if it weren't the movie I would have picked.
I am still trying to get the hubs to take me to FIREPROOF. Everyone who has seen the movie, loves it. I want to see it before it leaves here.
The book is about a young girl who moves to a new school and meets this very interesting boy, almost immediately she is smitten with him, turns out he is a vampire.....
It only goes on from there. So the movie premiere was Thursday night at Midnight. A long awaited movie, especially since Bugg doesn't read much, but has devoured these books. She picked up her ticket nearly a week ago for the Midnight showing. She made plans with one of her girlfriends and they got to the Theatre at 10 pm. The line was hugely long. I have never seen it that long. They all already had their tickets, it was sold out, in two movie theatres, at MIDNIGHT. WOW! So our good friend Ken, was working the night shift at the big S and he offered to bring her home at 2:30 am. So we (Jeff and I) could hear the truck coming and knew Bugg was almost home.
She came rushing into our bedroom, "Oh my gosh, it was so good. It was like the book, but you know it is only the first book and I have to wait til 2010 to watch the next one!!!!"
I says, "so you liked it?"
"Oh my gosh, yes, it was so good! I have to go to the you...goodnight!"
Off she went.
So at work Friday, I get a call from Peanut, "just a heads up Mom, K and her mom are going to the movie tonight and want us to go with them. Just a heads up". Well, I being the me I am wasn't too interested in seeing this movie, I hadn't read the books and I knew it was something that Bugg really enjoyed so I didn't want to get in the way of the excitement, if that makes any sense. So I contemplate the idea. We had a "girls night" with this mom and daughter a while back, after that whole email thing and all. They thought they owed us a reciprocation. So Peanut and I have this big discussion, K calls and says we are on our way we will call you if there are any tickets available. OK. So 5 minutes later she calls and says, "they are sold out". Two minutes after that they call back and say, we have two tickets for you, come meet us here. So to the movie I went. It was a good movie. I think because I hadn't read the book and I didn't know what to expect it was easier for me to watch it. Then the 4 of us headed out to Applebees for dinner and dessert. It was a fun evening. Even if it weren't the movie I would have picked.
I am still trying to get the hubs to take me to FIREPROOF. Everyone who has seen the movie, loves it. I want to see it before it leaves here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
the last few days...
So, the weekend was good. It was a much needed respite from what I have been dealing with. We are now officially called, The Oregon Surgery Center...a division of Mercy Medical Center. We went "live" on Thursday of last week. I told Dr. Vu it was more of a "dead" than live. Well, everything changed on Thursday, including my pay! The paper work is different, the admitting is different, the way we get our medications is different, the way we order is different, the way we do everything CHANGED. I had 5 hours of OT by Friday. I am the one who likes to leave early any chance I get. I missed both of my little one's basketball games last week, because I was working. I missed her game today, because I was working. I was at work til 6 o'clock last night, til 5 tonight. I don't really see yet how this is better for us. I am trying soooooooooooo hard to have a good attitude and let the love of Jesus fill me up each and everyday. It is pretty tough!
Then, there is that sweet love of mine, the older daughter, whom I love so much it hurts, but she doesn't understand. She thinks I am just trying to keep her away from her "love". She doesn't see that it hurts me to see her hurt, it hurts me to see that she thinks someone who wants to lie and be dishonest and not love her enough to be honest about everything, is the one she thinks she needs to be with. The one who has drug her down so much, yet she clings too. My heart aches, I didn't know you could feel such pain for some one else. You moms, I ask your forgiveness if I ever hurt you in this way. I know we need to learn on our own and grow from our mistakes, but man, this is tough.
Then, there is that sweet love of mine, the older daughter, whom I love so much it hurts, but she doesn't understand. She thinks I am just trying to keep her away from her "love". She doesn't see that it hurts me to see her hurt, it hurts me to see that she thinks someone who wants to lie and be dishonest and not love her enough to be honest about everything, is the one she thinks she needs to be with. The one who has drug her down so much, yet she clings too. My heart aches, I didn't know you could feel such pain for some one else. You moms, I ask your forgiveness if I ever hurt you in this way. I know we need to learn on our own and grow from our mistakes, but man, this is tough.
Thanks for loving me through my tough years.
Where do I begin?????
So, we headed to Portland for Chelsey's last soccer weekend. It was the President's Cup tournament, final weekend. If we did really well, we would be able to continue on, if we didn't, well, it was a good run. So, Nana is preparing peanut and KC before the rest of the team gets there. We are playing at PCC Rock Creek Campus, it is brand new, only been up and running for 6 months. It is beautiful a playground, two regulation size turf soccer fields, 4 full size baseball diamonds, a concession stand, nice parking, nice bathrooms. WOW! So we were ready to play...
They did make one goal and we didn't, so we lost that game.
So, Sunday we played at Grant High School. Peanut was in the goal nearly all the game. She begged Coach to let her out and play some defense, as you can see she met some mud. She stopped everything. The game ended up being tied, so being a tournament we had to go to a shoot out. Ok, for the few of you that don't do much soccer, a shoot out is when a player from the other team gets to shoot at the goal. One player, one goalie. They get 5 shots on our goalie, we get 5 on their goalie. I was sitting there thinking, good, my little one isn't in the goal, so she won't have to do the shoot out. As the final whistle blew, she ran to the goalie, S, and made her change gear with her. My heart starts to beat a little bit faster and then my dear sweet mother came and stood in front of me, with her eyes closed going "oh dear". I not so nicely told her to get the heck away from me, because I wasn't going to be much of a comforter to her!!!
The first girl goes up to shoot. It is her against Peanut. She kicks, low and to the side, ... goal!
Switch, our girl against their goalie. Shoot..... she misses.
Next girl for them, Peanut blocks the shot. OH YEAH!
Next girl for us...we get goal!
Next girl for them...blocked shot!
Next girl for them...we get goal!!
Next girl for them...BLOCKED !!!!!
We win the game : ~ }
They tried really hard to put Peanut on their shoulders, but instead, they run to the sideline. Nice way to finish the season. And such a proud mother :~}
I have been gone from the computer for several days, I read all my friends updates and grin. Then I find out I have been TAGGED. What is this? So I find out that it is the 4th picture from my 4th album on my computer. Well, I don't think I have 4 albums on this computer...
let's see....
I am looking...
let's see....
I am looking...
Friday, November 14, 2008
play-ing bas-ket-ball~~~
My sweet peanut had two games this week. On Wednesday and on Thursday. Her mother couldn't make it to either game, but her Daddy was able to make it on Thursday, so.....he took some pictures for me. Papa was the hero on Wednesday and was able to pick up Bugg and take her to Peanut's game and then brought them both home!
Yes, her leg is still wrapped from the soccer incident. The bump is finally almost gone and the bruising is nearly invisible now. So we are improving. Last tourney this weekend, heading to Portland in the morning. Staying with the team and my sis and my parents are heading to the games as well. Looks to be a fun time.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mud anyone??
Peanut had another busy day... She had a basketball game after school today at Winston. Papa took her sister to the game and then brought the two of them home afterwards. Peanut then got ready for soccer practice and headed out with her dad. I got home after a weird day that can be discussed later, to talk to my dad, my sister, and my mom on the phone. This is what Peanut looked like when she got home...the first time I had seen her since I woke her up this morning.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Today, I started the day out having to get Chelsey from the church at 7 am. She had been at the "lock in" for the youth. They went at 7 pm last night and stayed til this morning. She had invited a few girlfriends and they had planned on meeting her there. There was one stipulation, she had to play well in her soccer game after being up all night. She promised.
So, she played her heart out. We played at Roseburg High School for the PRESIDENT's cup. Well, it is turf as you see. Our girls aren't really comfortable on turf, because that isn't what they usually play on. But they did ok. We played a team we had previously beat. Well, they scored on us in the first half on a wet weird roll. The second score they got was due to a penalty shot that they shouldn't have been awarded in the first place, but did nonetheless. So they beat us 2-0. Only a real handfull of the girls played hard, one being that little number 8 there on the screen. :~}
This is big sister! She couldn't stand the excitement, there were at least 15 attempts on goal during the second half, we were so close, so many times.
This is my sweet Sophie, we got to have dinner at her house tonight, with her and her folks and her nice dog Brinley. We had fun.
Friday night
Luke, his lovely wife Tonya, and their sweet, sweet 8 week old little girl...Isabella Grace!
Sweet Uncle Andy, make that great Uncle Andy.
Luke is special to my dad. Luke's dad was my daddy's little brother. We lost him in 1991 to Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the liver. He had 4 wonderful boys and Lucas has always, always visited my dad. Luke was very young when his father died and my dad felt a little bit of responsibility to these boys. Luke always reciprocated. This sweet new addition to the family is really a treasure. Uncle Jake would have been so proud.

I used to spend my summers with Aunt Sue, Uncle Jake and the boys. I thought I was so cool, because I was older than them, so I could tell them what to do. Boy, they sure put up with me being pretty nasty to them.
Luke is special to my dad. Luke's dad was my daddy's little brother. We lost him in 1991 to Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the liver. He had 4 wonderful boys and Lucas has always, always visited my dad. Luke was very young when his father died and my dad felt a little bit of responsibility to these boys. Luke always reciprocated. This sweet new addition to the family is really a treasure. Uncle Jake would have been so proud.
I used to spend my summers with Aunt Sue, Uncle Jake and the boys. I thought I was so cool, because I was older than them, so I could tell them what to do. Boy, they sure put up with me being pretty nasty to them.
We went to Colorado the summer I was 15. I was learning to drive, but really hadn't driven that much. Aunt Sue wanted to change that. She made sure that I got some driving time in. Then after we got to Colorado, she taught me how to drive a stick shift. Or should I say, she tried to teach me how to drive a stick shift. The boys HATED it when I would get behind the wheel, because, well, I stunk at driving the stick. But, my sweet Aunt persevered with me. I had a great summer in Colorado. I had a great time with the family.
Tonya, I hadn't got to meet yet. She is absolutely lovely. She not only is physically attractive, but she has a great, great personality. I love her already. She makes a great addition to our family. Thank you Luke for picking her!!!
Well, great Aunt Sandi was a baby hog!! Big time! But that sweet baby was so good. They were with us for a couple of hours last night, after driving down from Washington. She was so good. You were have thought she knew us for a great long time.
Jeff and I took the girls to different places last night after everyone left and he and I went to see the movie Changeling, with Angelina Jolie and John Malcovich. I really liked the movie. The trailer for it, didn't do it justice. It was great, I am glad that we went.
On a little side note, I ask you mothers to pray for me. I am having some issues with my sweet teenager and it is oh so very difficult. Please ask God to help me say and do the necessary things I need to do, to be accountable to HIM, and keep my daughter safe. Thank you.
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