Sunday, August 9, 2009

Safeway Picnic

After church today, Hubs was doing the yard work and I pulled some weeds. He threw a snake out of the yard because I am incredibly afraid of snakes. We had BBQ'd some hot dogs and were going to make stir fry later, ran Bugg to pick up her photographs from the Fair; then, started my coupon sorting for my Sunday afternoon shopping. Hubs comes in and says, "let's go for a drive!" Well, this doesn't happen all too often, so of course I say, "OK". We head out in the Bronco, the top is off, it is dusty, been rained on since the top came off. Off to River Forks Park we go. The Safeway company picnic!!

Here is Clymer, getting in my face about something, so I take his picture.
Sambo and Brenda

Clymer~he just threw a horseshoe....really!

Can you tell they have been friends for a while....

Showing off his horseshoe form for all

The Safeway Gang watching a horseshoe that what it is called?
Auds and Hubs going against each other

Auds boy~ he's Hubs partner

Glenna *finally got the groove on*

Hubs and I took a walk down to the river, haven't been down there for quite some time.
Just a little picture of the river

finding rocks to skip

skippin' rocks
Just me
He wanted to take two....
Bugg had left, then when she decided to come home and we weren't there, funny! She called us three times to see where we were and when we would be home. Funny how it is OK for her to run around, but not for us.

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