Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sheena's Wedding

Here are just a sampling of the pictures that I took while in Grants Pass at the lovely Sheena Fenner and Jerry Lawrence wedding.

Cute little Kate...


Mommy Lion said...

Thanks so much for posting pics! You got some great ones! I hope to blog soon. We are having some computer issues, so who knows! *frown* I may end up bloglifting some of your pics! *wink*

Brandi said...

the girls really got some good pictures, can't wait to send them to you.

lolly said...

Great Pictures!!! You could send me the pictures too when you send them to Mommy Lion.

And by the way... I noticed the only picture I couldn't enlarge was the one with YOu in it ;o( I was disappointed. I like to see you too!! ;O) *Hugs*