This time to my Mom's house to visit with my Uncle Alvie, who is visiting from Dallas, Texas for his 50th high school class reunion. He was busy all weekend, so he didn't really miss us, but we had to see him. My Aunt Darlene brought him for us. They, being Mom, Auntie and Uncle, will be heading up north to visit more family in the next couple of days and then to Redmond before the final departure of Uncle back to Texas. Here is the girls and the aunt and uncle.
That explains where you have been and from the sounds of it you have been very busy! Hope you have a few days to relax.
Sounds like you have been really busy. Hopefully you get to have a few "lazy days of summer" before school and all activities start.
wow, uncle alvin came to visit?!?! *wink*
Hope you guys enjoyed him!
By the way ~ SLOW DOWN! you sound way too busy! *smile*
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