Peanut and I have been alone most of the afternoon. I had picked her up from a girlfriends house around noontime. We cleaned up the house and worked on the laundry, I went with my girlfriend for a walk.
She says to me, "do you think that you will go on a walk with me later?"
"Sure, you know we need to go grocery shopping, too!"
"Ok, Mom"
We organized our list, changed it up a bit and only got 1/6 of our list because we checked the bank account before going. That was really smart thinking :~). After we unloaded the groceries and made a "scrapbook" of Grease, she says,
"ok, Mom, before I don't want to go any more!"
"Ok, oK, I am ready"
We headed out the house and went down Newton Creek Rd. to the end. I was getting a little tired, (old) and said,
"When we get to this speed sign, let's turn around and head home."
"Ok, Mom, I am getting a little tired, too!"
Isn't she sweet? So, we get to the sign, she walks around it and we start heading back home.
Then there was a drip....another drip....and a couple more. Then, there was full fledge RAIN!
We got soaked! We giggled and giggled and giggled some more. It was just too funny! The cars passing us, I am sure, thought we were completely nuts and they had let us out of the "home" for our afternoon walk. When we were just about home, the rain turned into a soft little drizzle.
Our neighbor says to us, "that is quite the way to get a clean shower!!"
So, here are the pics. ENJOY!!
I was coming out of the grocery store when that rain hit. It poured. I can imagine how wet you must of been. It looks like it is heading here now.
Too cute. Your pictures remind me of our Tuesday night soccer practice. Such a fun memory for the two of you..nothing is better than laughing a lot with your girls.
p.s. We were there this AM...just had to leave right after service to go do parent group stuff. I saw you from the back :)
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