Peanut has been invited to join the National Junior Honor Society. Her ceremony for installation was last evening. We had known about it for a couple of weeks, so she and I went on Sunday afternoon to get her a fun summery dress to wear. Well, the one we found was *shhh* strapless! We had a cute little sweater to wear though, that helps the mommy not feel like her baby is quite so grown up. *wink, wink*
So, we set out for the evening, she had to be there a little early of course. Well, we were not early enough, because we sat about 15 rows back. We saved a seat for Nana and Papa. The kids were brought in and lined up in two rows by grade level along the side of the gym. They had a little ceremony about what it means to be a part of the National Junior Honor Society and how one becomes a member. They had a guest speaker, Mrs. McDaniel, who was afflicted with laryngitis, so Mr. Freeman the Principal read her words. It was actually a neat piece of information. She spoke about the Ford Family Foundation doing Scholarships for College. She let the kids know what it takes to get a scholarship and how they need to prepare, even at this stage of the game. Hubs and I, both thought it was very informative. Then on to read the names. First, the 8th graders, then the 7th graders. They came on to the stage, wrote their name in the Member book, then took a candle. They then, lined the walls of the auditorium with their candles and their certificates. We were close to where Peanut ended up, but not quite.
So, here are a few photos. ENJOY!
McKenzie and Amber (classmates)
Cowgirl~you've seen her before! She was in the play with Peanut last month.
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