Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day 09

On Friday, we headed out of town with the girls in tow, including Puddles, to Corvallis.
Bugg was having her last volleyball tournament there for the weekend.
My sister was coming down from Washington and we all were staying at the same motel.
Our motel was across the street from a car lot. We arrived about 35 minutes ahead of Sis and her bunch, so Hubs and I headed over to the car lot with Peanut. We were wondering about, then headed to the Recreational Vehicle section. We had more fun there! Jeff found one he really likes, but no sale. :~) Sis arrived and we all walked over to the little Chinese restaurant next door to the motel. I enjoyed our food. The remainder of the family was not so overjoyed with our selection. My niece and nephew both ordered American Cuisine, rather than share the Family platter with us. We knew we had to get up early and head to Corvallis, we were staying in Albany, so we didn't stay up too late. Although, it was fun for all 8 of us to hang out in one room :~). Bugg needed to be at the gym ready at 7 am. We left the hotel at 6:30. Not my day to sleep in..... We arrived and were told we were in the wrong building. We trekked two blocks away and lodged ourselves into the place we were supposed to be. They had nearly missed the boat, there were other teams warming up and we weren't sure if we were even supposed to be there. The girls played well and won all their matches for the morning round. We then had a long break to the afternoon rounds. Candi and the 3 younger ones, left to go shopping in Salem.
We watched the other age group play and Jeff read in the suburban. The girls got ready to play there afternoon round about an hour later than anticipated and they didn't play so well. They all got frustrated and down on themselves and each other that they beat themselves with their attitudes! They then went on to play another team, a team that was better than the one they just lost to!! They tried to regain a little composure and played slightly better than the previous game, but they still lost. I wore out my voice yelling, trying to be the cheerleader, but it wasn't enough. We headed back to the motel, went for some dinner. Then, a couple of us headed back to OSU for the Beavers Volleyball game. Sis, Puddles, Bugg, Peanut, and I went back. Bugg was driving. It was fun. OS won all 4 games. Sis bought some OS gear and we had some fun.
We headed back to the motel and met up with the clan and Nana and Papa who had arrived from Roseburg for the night. We had another early morning at the gym so off to bed we went.
Left Sunday morning at 7am for a 7:30 be ready time. I sent texts to my mom friends to wish them Happy Mother's Day and was trying to be encouraging. The girls had given me some sweet cards and some nice gifts for Mother's day, so we had a good start.
The girls played great and then we had to wait for a while to play again.
We played, and won a little more intense of a match. Then, we played again. This time, the odds were not in our favor. The girls played well, but lost the match. They played more like a team and did some awesome things. We were more proud of their performance, even if they lost.
My sister got a bunch of good pictures, so hopefully we will get to see some of them.
Here are'd have thought I would have gotten one with my mom???!!! Crazy!

Me and Hubs Me and Puddles

ME and Sis

Me and Peanut

Me and Curly and Peanut?

ME and SIS, photo by Curley :~)


Jessica said...

It was a fun and great weekend, thanks for letting me come and spend it with you guys. I LOVE YOU all very much! Thanks for being my family!

Cheryl said...

Great self portraits. Sounds like another busy weekend. Glad all your fam could be with you.