Yesterday, I had that wonderful appointment that every woman dreads. But I couldn't figure out why exactly it was so bad. I didn't seem to mind.
It was that dreaded Mammogram. I went for the first time yesterday. I was scheduled for my screening. It was a difficult decision for my health care provider to make, she said that insurance companies are not wanting to pay for mammograms before age 40 now. So, since I turned 35, she has been saying, " no let's wait". Well, after seeing her this year and letting her know how things in my life were going, she decided that a screening might be a good idea. I was scheduled for a month. So I had lots of time to think about it. I tried to not mention it to anyone, not because of shame or fear, but because I didn't really want to hear anyone's "horror" story. So I prepared myself to go, late afternoon appointment. I was met by a familiar face, my friend Ricci, who goes to church with me and also attends my Bible Study Fellowship. She brought me back to the changing room and told me what to do. She met me at the door and took me to the exam room. Stand right here, do this, relax that, snap.... snap....done.
It was that easy! I recommend this for any and every one!! Get your screening done.
I'm so proud of you!
I canassume that Ricci is an ESPECIALLY good tech for doing Mamiograms. I have had MMANY and haven't had an easy one yet!! Love ya friend - Grandma Lyon
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