Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just some thoughts....

On Sunday, we were in church and we have this time after our singing that we can go and pray, the people still sing and you can kneel down at the altar and just talk to God. Well, Peanut asked me to go with her. "Of course I will", and I followed her there. As I listened to my little grown up girl, ask God to help her with her class and not let the teacher feel like it is all her fault that it is messed up, I thought to myself. How nice is this? How nice that my little girl knows that she can tell GOD anything and He will listen and He cares! He cares about a bunch of teenage girls who each think there group is better than the other group. He cares about how this makes this teacher feel, like she is failing these students. Peanut just let it all out. As she went on, she began to cry and she prayed for a friend of hers that is a little jealous of her time with a new "friend". (this would be a boyfriend). She prayed that her friend would know how important she is to her and how much their friendship has meant over time. A tear began to fall down my cheek, and another. I began thinking and reflecting on the things that seem so big to someone so little. She is surrounded by people all the time but, she knows this one isn't happy with her. She wants that one to be happy again. Like the story of the sheep, 99 are here and 1 runs away, you go for the one. She is going for the one. I prayed for her and thanked the Lord that she had such a sweet spirit and such trust in a God who will take care of all things. It was a treasured moment for me.

That same little girl, goes with me tonight for her High School Orientation. She is my baby and to think of her going to high school just blows my mind. There is only a few weeks left of school and she will no longer be a middle schooler. I think where has the time gone? Have I done a good job? Are they ready for this world? Could I have done something differently? Bugg prepares for her last year in high school. She just took her SAT's on Saturday. She has applied for a senior representative for a local photographer, she is going to work at the Day Care at the High School next year and be paid for it. Where oh where has time gone? I am missing something aren't I? How can all this be happening? I just think I will pinch myself and wake up and they will be those little toddler girls that I loved to walk and ride bikes with. Don't let me miss a thing, Lord. Help me to cherish every moment that I have with them, because before I know it......they are all grown up.


Mommy Lion said...

Yeah, I miss those "slumber" parties, pee-wee soccer, and screaming for BUGG at the tops of our lungs just to see her turn red on the court! Thanks for the perspective, here I am in my season wishing for those days to come, but yet I'll be wishing for these days again all too soon I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

It was really special of you to share this. The moments of sharing like this are important memories to cling to. I'm glad I got to be a part of this and I will be praying for you all.
Lois-Eagle Point