Each year the JoLane Teachers and Staff present the students with awards for Excellence and Citizenship. They are awarded for their grades, no truancy, no tardy, good behavior, etc. The choir sang a couple of songs at the beginning and then the award portion of the show. So I snapped a few pictures for you to enjoy.
Peanut looks evil in this shot, but she really is not, it is the way my camera captured her eyes.

Peanut went home from softball practice and got ready because she had to sing, but our friend, "C" did not get to go home first :~).

This is a bunch of the girls that Peanut is friends with and one of the mom's was getting them all together for a picture. What a great idea!! :~)

Peanut and "C", we have her in so many of our shots, she is in the plays with Peanut as well.

Miss "K" with Peanut

Mr. "A" and Peanut. They are so sweet together. He is the sweetest boy :~)
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