Saturday, September 27, 2008
soccer saturday
Friday, September 26, 2008
So last night....
Ok, so here we are...we really got it together this time.
My hair looks wild, but that is what I get when it is PINK!!
That is a~whole~nother story...we won't go into right now. Needless to say it was awfully fun to be there with my friends. I had told Kimmy that I really miss that, hanging out with my friends. I can't tell you the last time I just plain ol' hung out with some girly friends. I guess that is one thing I really need to work on, cause when us girls look at the Mom's, we get kinda jealous of their wonderful friendships~those they have had for YEARS.
Ok, so the JV team won their match, we finally got to watch some real volleyball, as in their was something to watch. But, unfortunately, the varsity team lost. But really now, it is ok, because Oregon State Beavers beat the USC Trojans. Can you believe that?? How awesome is that?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
See you at....
Monday, September 22, 2008
Just a call...
But today, all that really mattered....was a phone call from a friend. My sweet little friend called just to "check on things". It meant so much to me. I need to remember that feeling, so that I can do it for someone else.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I did have some answers to prayer today. I asked for good weather. Most of you know that my home is not on the large side, so hosting a bunch of parents is pretty brave, considering they would all have to be OUTSIDE, because there is NO ROOM in my house! Well, thank you Lord for the nice weather. Then, I was to provide drinks, well not really knowing how many to expect I was feverishly trying to find my drink pitchers to make lemonade and ice tea and stuff like that...well, I am asking Jeff, "where did all our pitchers go???" We found one, and the ice tea pot, so two. Then here comes Pastor Kelly, she was getting the girls to entertain them while we had the parents here, in her hot little hands are two brand new Rubbermaid pitchers!!! I said, "Did you hear me asking where my pitchers were or what??" How about that for a God thing! Too cool.
Anyway, Jeff who has had a really bad time at work lately was itching, and I mean ITCHING to leave for hunting vacation; decided once all the parents were gone, that he would really, REALLY like to head up to camp. His friends are there already, but I had asked him to stay and meet "Kyle" because he wouldn't have any other chance to meet him. So I say to Jeff, I know you are really wanting to leave, so if you need to go, it is OK with me.
So, no sooner had I breathed the last syllable and in to change he went. Pack up his coolers and a quick kiss goodbye. "Tell the girls I love them" and off into the darkness he drove.
Now, what on earth am I doing with all this quiet?? Catching up on all my blogging friends. I miss them.
Have a great weekend.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
how fitting...
WOW, how fitting is that? How could I forget it? Well, I forget that on a regular basis I think. I have had a lot of comments at work about how quiet I have been lately. Well, I guess I was having my own doubts and trials about where exactly God has been in the last couple months of my life. But, you know what. I realized, He is right here. He may be silent, but He is right here. I have begun to laugh again and those people at work are starting to notice. Hopefully, I will be good and give God the credit for my joy.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Soccer weekend...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The adventure...
It was that dreaded Mammogram. I went for the first time yesterday. I was scheduled for my screening. It was a difficult decision for my health care provider to make, she said that insurance companies are not wanting to pay for mammograms before age 40 now. So, since I turned 35, she has been saying, " no let's wait". Well, after seeing her this year and letting her know how things in my life were going, she decided that a screening might be a good idea. I was scheduled for a month. So I had lots of time to think about it. I tried to not mention it to anyone, not because of shame or fear, but because I didn't really want to hear anyone's "horror" story. So I prepared myself to go, late afternoon appointment. I was met by a familiar face, my friend Ricci, who goes to church with me and also attends my Bible Study Fellowship. She brought me back to the changing room and told me what to do. She met me at the door and took me to the exam room. Stand right here, do this, relax that, snap.... snap....done.
It was that easy! I recommend this for any and every one!! Get your screening done.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
the weekend
It was a good few days. Filled with busyness that the girls always generate, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The girls both had school today. Chels says, "yea, it was great", hugely sarcastic. I hate being the little sister. All my teachers said you must be Lynsey's little sister. She really didn't like that.
Lynsey had class with someone we didn't want her to have class with. She also saw a whole bunch of people she missed. So that is very good! She will have a better year. I hope. Please pray that she loses interest in that small minded boy. thanks.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Monday, the holiday, proves to be a little busier. Lyns has driving for Driver's ed. They both have practice in the evening. But neither one of them starts to school until Wednesday. Must be nice being an upper classmen and all :~}. Have a great labor day.
Just some plain fun.