Momma Willy invited several of us to an event held at Seven Feathers for the National Cancer Survivor's Day. We were Mother's and Daughter's mostly, with a friend along as well.
She is singing a quilt that was to be put together and raffled(?) later with all the survivor names and years on each square.
Sister's :~) She wouldn't just let me take a picture, so I had to get in one myself!!
More Sister's!!
Momma Gail~14 year survivor of Breast Cancer
Dr. Gosline and her helper
Receiving her Survivorship gift
her turn....
the t-shirt the SURVIVOR'S got
Momma Willy getting hers
We had a lot of giggles and a lot of fun. They had the cheetah from Wildlife Safari come. We had a buffet style lunch. They had a DVD on living as a Survivor. I really was impacted by this video. Mostly because I am one of those that likes to celebrate, ie. celebrate the end of treatment and the getting back to living. The video talked about it not really being like this. It is something that you will always have. Not I had cancer, but I am a survivor of cancer and it has affected my life. It affects your health and the way your body responds to everything from here on out. I need to be a little more compassionate to those that have gone through the fight and continue to struggle with the "life after" diagnosis. It is something that I had never thought about.
We were then giggling immensely at the Hostess yelling out to the Survivor's "what size of t-shirt". She had a number of people who were there that she didn't get a "pre-order" from, so she would announce their name, the number of years and then she would yell out, "what size of t-shirt!" A few of these fine ladies I hung out with thought this was so tacky and it was really starting to bother them. They wanted to yell back to her, "what's it to you!!" So, we had some conversations about how we could do it better next year. So, maybe we will all be on the planning commission for the next one. No offense please to anyone who was on this year's planning committee, we all just know how we could do it better :~) Love these ladies and am so grateful I am a part of their "family".
1 comment:
Thanks to Brandi, we have pictures of a perfect afternoon for all of us...I am so blessed to have so many to love....
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