Friday, December 19, 2008

The "S" files

Peanut participated in the Children's program, as the youth drama was a part of the program. Peanut loves to act, and sing, and participate.
So, she did just that.

She played AJ, for Air Jordan, but not because she "plays basketball, but because she uses a lot of AIR when she is talking". Her line about explaining herself was so her, it was like it was written exactly for her.
This picture is her at the Mall with Flap, he was always eating. She wanted to shop!! Her song was "There is no business, like Christmas".

Miss Q played Charlie, she was the Brain behind the Solution Seeker team.
Mr. T played ????, the computer nerd.

Here, AJ does that line, where she explains who she is and why they call her "air Jordan". Mr. M was Chaz, Charlie's cousin. In the back is Miss M, she was Victoria, the Bible Brain.

Here she is... just doing her job!

I really thought it was great how the youth and children did the program. I am not really sure if the parents of the little children liked it as much, but it was a really neat production. Miss Bethany was the producer, and she is going to be greatly missed because she does a great job with the youth drama department. She is pretty cool to work with.


Cheryl said...

Chels did such a great job! I really enjoyed the show.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brandi-
I enjoyed these posts about church Christmas programs. I wish we could have been there. Glad to see everyone is so involved. Congrats on the Ipod win!! Do we know who went on to see Jesus? We are well and enjoying the white stuff in Eagle Point. Merry Christmas! Grandma Lion (Lois)