So, Sunday afternoon, we did a family bowling time. We bowled for a couple of hours and we had a great time. Enjoy the pictures~

Who's got the ball? Or does the ball have her???

here goes the pro....

I think she just threw the ball....

who's' hips are them there swinging?

look at that form....WOW!

she's copying her momma....


The Matriarch

and the Patriarch

the beauties :~}

I am sure he is telling us what to do....

There's my man!

cutie cousins

crazy sisters....

can they all smile at the same time??

there's some smiles...

Nana loving her boy~ her only boy!

Hey~watch that hand!

Can you hear me Nana???

There is Sissy's stud muffin.....

got her game own, see those hips in action???

They look guilty, huh??
I do really like our new bowling place. Looks like you all had lots of fun.
Hope you feel good enough to get your tree down soon..I love Christmas but love to get it cleaned up too.
Looks like you were all having a lot of fun.
Wish we had been there. I just can't seem to the fam to go bowling! *bummer*
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