Thursday, December 11, 2008


There is so much to write about. We have had a lot going on the last few days. I am really not sure where to start. Peanut had two basketball games this week. She played on Tuesday and Thursday this week against Fremont, Gold and Blue, respectively. They won both games. Peanut has improved a bunch over the last couple of weeks and
I am proud of her. She set her mind to it and she is
doing it.

Her referee this week on the earlier game, was Richie. He has been with her for a couple of games. It is kind of fun to watch him, because he isn't always watching the game. ;~}

Jeff and I began to decorate for Christmas last weekend. It took several days. But we finally finished.

So, tomorrow night starts the Christmas Celebration at church. Hubs and Peanut are both singing. I will definitely post pictures. On Sunday is the Children's program and the youth drama are participating in that as well.
So it will be a spirit filled weekend. The Spirit of Christmas.
I will also say goodbye to another friend of mine who passed away suddenly last weekend, the result of multiple blood clots. Please say a prayer for the family. Thank you.


Cheryl said...

Your house looks so beautiful! It is going to be a busy weekend.

Mommy Lion said...

What great decorations! *wink* That sweet Chels. . . determined. I'm praying that is the what Little Pumpkin will end up being!