Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday's events....

Bugg in hitting position, smacking the ball!
Bugg had a volleyball tournament today.
It was a JV Invitational.
There were 8 teams, including the Roseburg Frosh.
One team begged out today, Thurston.
So, Bugg's team played against Crater and St. Mary's in their morning bracket. They won their pool and they were first in their grouping.
So they went on to play in the bracket play, they played against a couple of teams and won of course.
Then, (that is Bugg going up for the hit) they ended up playing against the Roseburg Frosh team for the championship. It was fun!
Bugg's team won, of course :~}

This, isPeanut....she is talking with Papa. She is on crutches. The doctor's appointment yesterday was a good one in one way and not so good in another. She got re-XRAY'd, it still isn't broken. But the bruise is so severe, she really needs to stay off of the leg for a while. So, on to crutches she is...again. It is the same set she had when she broke her leg a couple of years ago. Oh well, sometimes it is good to hold on to things :~{

Tomorrow, we are putting wood floors in the living room.
Pictures will be posted :~)

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Poor Chels...I hope that leg heals soon. Great job on vball today!

Look forward to seeing pics of your wood fun.