...she was on her backside and she let out a significant squeal and immediately grabbed her left leg. All the girls got down and one knee, I was out of my chair and heading around the end to the other side, I could see her pain on her face and hear her cries. The coach carried her off the field. For those of you who don't know Chelsey, she is a maniac on the soccer field. She will sacrifice life and limb to keep them from scoring a goal on her! A side note as well, she broke her left tibia 2 years ago. She is holding her left leg....
As I get to the bench, the coach already has ice on it and Chelsey is crying. I look at her leg, and it is the size of a small grapefruit and immediately turning purple. Not a good sign if ya ask me. Jeff sat down next to her and she rested her leg and her ice bag on him. She continued to yell for her team, we actually scored a goal. After the game, Chels still didn't move. Her teammates high-five her as they went to high five the parents, the other team came to her and five her as well. There is another nurse mom on the team and a paramedic dad, we all were sure that leg was busted. We asked for directions to the closest urgent care. They sent us to Kaiser Sunnyside off 205, just one exit up from where we were. Chelsey was quickly put in a wheelchair, her vital signs assessed and told to wait for just a few minutes. And, just a few minutes later a nice male nurse came and took her to a room. Her daddy went with...Lyns and I frantically made phone calls to family asking for prayers. About an hour went by and I hadn't heard anything, so I asked to be let back to her room. Jeff says, "she just came back from xray", the doctor was looking at her films and she was sprawled out on the gurney. Her uniform still on. Socks, shin guards and cleat on the right, nothing but ice on the left. The doctor came in the room, made a comment about how the patient and I resemble each other, wonder if we're related....ha ha. The leg is NOT broken. Praise the Lord. Chelsey's first question, "Can I play tomorrow?" The doctor says, "I wouldn't recommend it, but I can tell you won't take no for an answer. It's gonna hurt!"
see next blog for further info....
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