Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Daddy

Today I am home from work. Last night after midnight we received a phone call. Jeff trying to get me awake to talk to mom is quite the ordeal, especially because I take medication to help me sleep. Well, Mom reported Dad was having a bit of a rapid heart rate and wanted to know what to do. I asked a few "nursey" questions to assess the situation, then spoke to Dad on the phone. I felt strongly that Daddy needed to come to the ER.
So, we (Jeff and I) got dressed and met them there. Dad got in pretty quickly, they did an EKG, lab work, and had him on the monitor, but by this time, he is feeling better. His heart rate has slowed down and his vital signs are stable. Good thing, the ED was busy, and there was only one doc on shift. Dad didn't get seen by the Doc for two hours. I understood, obviously, he was treating a collapsed lung and a car accident patient, but it was my Daddy. Well, doc decided he probably had gone in to an SVT, or rapid rate and may have popped out of it. He was stable and doc said he could go home. So off to home we went at 4 am. Daddy is doing OK today, he is tired, but trying to get in to his doctor's office. They being very strange about getting him in, I think this might throw his rhythm off again.
Anyway, God is good. All the time. He took care of my Daddy again.


Mommy Lion said...

Praisin' Jesus! Keep us posted of course! Love ya

Cheryl said...

We will keep praying that he feels better soon. He is very blessed to have you (as a nurse) and Jeff so close to them.