Thursday, January 13, 2011


Let's Pray
Father, I am so tired of playing it safe, of bowing to the wrong crowd and listening to the wrong voices. I lay down my pride and surrender to You and Your plan for my life in this New Year. Stretch my faith. Give me Your eyes to see those in need. Fill me with Your power and strength so that others will be drawn to You.

In Jesus' name,


This was in my daily devotion from "girlfriends in GOD" the author being Mary Southerland. I found that it rang true in my heart. I felt compelled to cry out that prayer as my own. I struggle to live a life that doesn't offend others, keeps everyone happy and most of all keeps me safe. But, I read in this little devotion that I need to let go of some of those "safe" things. This is what she said before the prayer....

People are desperately looking for ordinary women like you and me whose lives have been changed by an extraordinary God - the One who is calling us to be "God with skin on" to those who don't even believe He exists. I want to love every excuse and doubt right out of their minds. I want them to see a power in me that they cannot explain in human terms and a message that shouts of God's mercy and forgiveness. I want to be hungry and thirsty for God as never before. I want my normal life to be abnormally extraordinary because God is alive and well and at work in and around me.

I just felt like this was meant only for me, just for my heart today. I don't really know what else to say but that I want to be "abnormally extraordinary because God is alive" in me.

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