So Curly is having some hot chocolate.

Auntie and her girl
Mom~had a COLD one and then told us she was COLD! Imagine that...
Why can't they give me a good picture???
Sister and our cute little "boyfriend"

waiting for the game~

Playing with Max~ he is so sweet. He just comes up to me and puts his arms out for a pick up
being crazy

texting and DS
There's the boy playing

just a little dirt won't hurt :~)
Auntie and her girl
waiting for the game~
Playing with Max~ he is so sweet. He just comes up to me and puts his arms out for a pick up
just a little dirt won't hurt :~)
But he played like he wasn't. He's such a great kid!

trying to be coat, aunt's blanket...whatever was available

After the game, it was a tie, we headed out to find some food. We ended up at Northgate Mall and Red Robin for some good times. After we got home to Sister's place, Nana and I packed up the car and headed for Oregon. Mom and I had a good time. We talked about a lot of things and she stayed awake the whole time!!! IT was a quick trip, but it was fun!
trying to be coat, aunt's blanket...whatever was available
After the game, it was a tie, we headed out to find some food. We ended up at Northgate Mall and Red Robin for some good times. After we got home to Sister's place, Nana and I packed up the car and headed for Oregon. Mom and I had a good time. We talked about a lot of things and she stayed awake the whole time!!! IT was a quick trip, but it was fun!
That is a quick trip! Wow you must be pretty tired today. Hope you have a day off this week to rest and enjoy Spring Break.
What a lot of driving! So glad you got to visit ~ I'm still shocked every time I see T's pic! Such a young man now! Did Lyns color her hair or is it my eyesight?!?
Sounds like a very quick trip. I remember seeing you in church Sunday morning so that makes it really quick. Glad you had a safe trip.
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