On Friday, March 27th, Hubs and I set out on our first adventure on the ski slopes.
We went with a family whom I know from my Bible Study Fellowship.
The boys are the same age as our girls and the guys are about the same age as well.
We had never been skiing before. We water ski, but that isn't necessarily the same thing.
We met up at Lowe's and then headed for Willamette Pass.
After a beautiful drive, we arrived, ready for some fun!

They of course beat us up the hill.

Right after I snapped the pic, Hubs ended up on the ground! Too funny. I think this was the one and only time he fell on the hill.
We made it to the bottom. I had fallen coming down the hill. I believe just once on this trip.
After several trips down the bunny hill, we went in for some water. We caught up with the oldest of the boys, M~he is 16. He had been out on the back side of the slopes. He is not an amateur like some of us.
Hubs wanted to get a pic of us girls, so here it is...
Hubs thought that he could handle something a little more exciting than the bunny hill. So M~ convinced him to try the next hill, I can't remember what it is called. Oh~ Duck Soup!

Right after I snapped the pic, Hubs ended up on the ground! Too funny. I think this was the one and only time he fell on the hill.

So this is them getting on the bigger and much faster lift to take them to the top.

We were waiting at the bottom! Entertaining ourselves with self portraits. :~)
He made it down safe and sound. He said he fell a couple of times up above, but when we were able to see him, he was doing awesome!
Back to our safe place~the Bunny Hill! That is us girls ahead of Hubs on the lift.
Boy #2, he came to check on us. This is L~he is 13. He is quite the loaner out skiing. He just wanted to see how we were doing. He did ride up the hill with Hubs a couple of times, just for fun.

It was such a beautiful day. I was getting very warm, so inside my bibs is my hat, my water bottle and the camera, most of the time. The bibs Hubs and I wore were the ones that my folks wore back in the days of snowmobiling. When I was just a wee one. It is pretty fun to get those old clothes out and be able to use some of them for our outings now.

My friends foot began to bother her and so she sat down for a while. While she was resting I went up and down the hill a few more times. This is a picture she snapped of me, while she was watching and waiting.

We were waiting at the bottom! Entertaining ourselves with self portraits. :~)

It was such a beautiful day. I was getting very warm, so inside my bibs is my hat, my water bottle and the camera, most of the time. The bibs Hubs and I wore were the ones that my folks wore back in the days of snowmobiling. When I was just a wee one. It is pretty fun to get those old clothes out and be able to use some of them for our outings now.

My friends foot began to bother her and so she sat down for a while. While she was resting I went up and down the hill a few more times. This is a picture she snapped of me, while she was watching and waiting.
We had such a great time. I am a little sore in the hands and neck today from my few spills. One of them was even on level ground! I would love to be able to take the girls sometime. It was so much fun.
After we finished up our skiing trip, we headed up to Woodburn to meet up with my sister and the girls. They were ready to come home and we were missing them. So it made for a really long day, but one filled with memories.