The girls were on the first one for quite some time. Hubs and I advanced a few spaces with minimal effort. Then the girls got the hang of it and passed us up big time. Hubs and I began to gel again and we won! It was fun.
Last night, Hubs and I were invited to play Pinnochle with this group from our church. It was at Buck and Vicki's house. We get invited once or twice a year. Hubs usually takes the prize as the big winner each time we play. Last night, I actually won. I did not have a losing round. I ended up with the high total and I got $12.00. Then Bugg went bowling with Dribbler and his family today, guess what she asks for? You guessed it....Money. My hard earned money from last night, handed over to the girl. The nice thing is, she returned it this evening because Dribbler's dad paid for everything. Nice, huh?
Tomorrow we have a volleyball tourney. Will be posting a blog about that.
Congrats on your "big" winnings!! Kids and Husbands seem to have a way of always needing money.
Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Even now, I feel like I'm giving out money to the kids and husband. I'm sure as the girls get older they will need more.
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