For dinner, Hubs came home from work and decided to make some pizza. So this was our Valentine dinner.
While Hubs was working, I took Peanut and her girlfriend to the Beauty School for Pedicure and Manicure. Peanut got the pedicure and her friend got the manicure. They seemed to enjoy themselves a whole bunch. While I was there I ran into a friend from high school that I hadn't seen since High School. It was really fun to sit and visit and get to know her all over again while our family members received the services.
Peanut and I began working on her room when we got home. My sister gave Peanut this beautiful bed that had been my nephews. He "outgrew" it and they kindly donated it to us. Peanut had been sleeping on the trundle bed, it is one of the older versions, all metal...for the last few months since we got rid of the bunk beds. So she was ready for a real bed in her room.
Well, now she is concerned that the desk that her daddy built won't really fit in her room any more. So, she being the sweet thing she is didn't want to tell him, because she thought it might hurt his feelings. I said I would gladly take that project desk and use it for my scrapbooking! I was thrilled. So that was a way to soften the blow to her daddy. But then talking about it last night, Bugg said she wanted the desk! So I may not get it for my scrapbooking. If you remember, from one of the very first blogs I wrote, this project desk was made from a picture in the Pier 1 flyer. It has bookcases on each end, so it would be ideal for me to use for scrapbooking. We will see who wins this battle. But for now, here is the bed...
After all our work on Peanut's room, we had to drive out to get Bugg from Dribbler's house. She had spent the day with him at a basketball tournament in North Bend. While we were out, we stopped by Nana and Papa's for a visit. Upon our return home, we found this little surprise.....

Boy were they delicious!!! Hope your day was extra special.
Boy were they delicious!!! Hope your day was extra special.
2 comments: cute!
I also feel like I am constantly changing around the girls' rooms.
Wow ~ those look delicious! The room is looking great ~ too grown up looking though! *wink* Good luck with the desk . . . I'm rooting for you!
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