We had a fun weekend. Candi came on friday to watch Little Bit's last softball game. She took the kids out of school early and they arrived around 5 ish.
The game didn't start til 7:30, so we had some time to catch up and relax (her) before the game. Little Bit played well, of course, she had her team party afterwards at Abby's Pizza. 
That couldn't have worked out better since that is Aunt Candi's favorite place to go. On the way home, I was so tired I was in the second seat, so was Jeff and Lynsey was driving. Kelly was in the front and the three little ones were in the back seat. Lynsey saw a police man turn around and follow her. She was starting to panic, but she pulled over and acted calm and cool. He told her she didn't have her headlights on and that is why he pulled her over. She is used to my car with the automatic headlights and she just didn't turn them on all the way. She got her permit ran like a common criminal, just kidding!! It was funny.
The little ones played in the pool on saturday, yes the pool. They accidently got knocked in, or slipped as it were. I got my hair colored and Lynsey went shopping with Aunt Candi. Lynsey won out on that one, she got the most stuff!! Lynsey went to babysit, Chelsey went to a girlfriends, Candi, I, Jessica and Carley played Dominoes with Nana all night. That was really fun.
Sunday was a day that Lyns and I got to just do a couple of things with each other and that was fun. We bought some plants for the pots out back, we got her some shorts to cover her new swimsuit for IYC. We hung out in the sun for a little while, she took a nap and Chelsey came home. I vacuumed out the car and planted the plants. That is so fun for me. Lynsey headed out to babysit again, Chelsey went to another friends house and Jeff and I just hung out with Ken. He always seems to show up. He's funny. Anyway, that was a fun filled weekend for me. I just really enjoyed it.
We will be heading down to Sacramento for volleyball this coming friday. It will be fun to get back to watching Lynsey play. Just for a weekend, then on to visit family. It will be a good time for all.
Abby's . . . I missed out on Abby's! It just never fit in with all the family visits. Good job, by the way, on the new set up!
When are you coming through Medford?
Maybe we could meet you for a short visit or shatever.
Grandpa M in Eagle Point
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