Sunday, June 22, 2008
On to Eureka, actually it is Fortuna. We stopped in to see Jeff's cousin, Trina. Trina is the oldest of her siblings, her mother Malita is Jeff's aunt. She is only 2 years older than he is.
While visiting with her I snapped a shot of Lyns and her dad, it's not too often they are together~and smiling!
We got to see his other cousin Connie. They used to spend a lot of time together as youngsters so they had some fun reminiscing of old times.
Here we have Aunt Irene, we first thought she wasn't going to be around for us, but she was! She is so funny. I laugh so hard with her. She is my favorite!!! ;>
A final little group shot, the girls complained because they had to look into the sun, but I got a good picture anyway. Grandpa doesn't like getting his picture taken, so no group photos of him!

Lake County
The finals for the u18 division was played in a separate gym~had more room~and was played with the team from Croatia....
and the team from Czech....
It was amazing to see these girls play volleyball. They were all very tall and talented. Lynsey said it was their Olympic teams that played. Lynsey's team did play the Croatian team, we scored a few points.
This is Bugg after her rotation, it was rather hot in there. Twenty four courts, all day long for four long days! It was fun though.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
hello from California
We have been in Cali for about 6 days. We were in Sacramento for Lynsey's volleyball, it was quite the experience. There were 21 courts, 4 teams per court, 4 age group for girls, and some boy teams. It was amazing. It was held at the Cal Expo center, which is absolutley huge. We spent the mornings relaxing and the afternoons watching volleyball. The girls did well, they had only played together for two weeks before going. We played teams that had been together for years and were Olympic bound. The 18u age group, which Lyns plays in, had the final match for the championship with teams from Croatia and Czech. It was amazing, They were all twelve feet tall, really only 6 feet all of them. They were awesome. Jeff and I and Chels went to the Raging Waters Water park on Tuesday. That was some fun. It was over 90 everyday that we were there so the water park was a great relief.
Today we are in Lower Lake California. Actually I believe we are currently in Nice, on the edge of Clear Lake, the largest natural lake in California. We are staying at a Resort that my bro in law has a time share with. We went to his vineyard today and visited his winery. Shannon Ridge Winery. Check it out, there is a website. He is the manager of Sales and is doing really well. He took us around in a new Chevy Suburban with all the bells and whistles to the hot spots of the area. We went to this awesome castle, Castle point The Castle is amazing! Built in 1926 and totally refurbished. When I get home I will post some pictures.
We had lunch in old town Upper Lake, at the Blue Wing Saloon. That was some great food. Sounds like we were a little rebellious today, but I promise, it was all on the up and up. We are currently barbecuing and just finished in the pool. This is a great vacation.
Will see you soon.
Today we are in Lower Lake California. Actually I believe we are currently in Nice, on the edge of Clear Lake, the largest natural lake in California. We are staying at a Resort that my bro in law has a time share with. We went to his vineyard today and visited his winery. Shannon Ridge Winery. Check it out, there is a website. He is the manager of Sales and is doing really well. He took us around in a new Chevy Suburban with all the bells and whistles to the hot spots of the area. We went to this awesome castle, Castle point The Castle is amazing! Built in 1926 and totally refurbished. When I get home I will post some pictures.
We had lunch in old town Upper Lake, at the Blue Wing Saloon. That was some great food. Sounds like we were a little rebellious today, but I promise, it was all on the up and up. We are currently barbecuing and just finished in the pool. This is a great vacation.
Will see you soon.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Weekend Happenings
We had a fun weekend. Candi came on friday to watch Little Bit's last softball game. She took the kids out of school early and they arrived around 5 ish.
The game didn't start til 7:30, so we had some time to catch up and relax (her) before the game. Little Bit played well, of course, she had her team party afterwards at Abby's Pizza. 
That couldn't have worked out better since that is Aunt Candi's favorite place to go. On the way home, I was so tired I was in the second seat, so was Jeff and Lynsey was driving. Kelly was in the front and the three little ones were in the back seat. Lynsey saw a police man turn around and follow her. She was starting to panic, but she pulled over and acted calm and cool. He told her she didn't have her headlights on and that is why he pulled her over. She is used to my car with the automatic headlights and she just didn't turn them on all the way. She got her permit ran like a common criminal, just kidding!! It was funny.
The little ones played in the pool on saturday, yes the pool. They accidently got knocked in, or slipped as it were. I got my hair colored and Lynsey went shopping with Aunt Candi. Lynsey won out on that one, she got the most stuff!! Lynsey went to babysit, Chelsey went to a girlfriends, Candi, I, Jessica and Carley played Dominoes with Nana all night. That was really fun.
Sunday was a day that Lyns and I got to just do a couple of things with each other and that was fun. We bought some plants for the pots out back, we got her some shorts to cover her new swimsuit for IYC. We hung out in the sun for a little while, she took a nap and Chelsey came home. I vacuumed out the car and planted the plants. That is so fun for me. Lynsey headed out to babysit again, Chelsey went to another friends house and Jeff and I just hung out with Ken. He always seems to show up. He's funny. Anyway, that was a fun filled weekend for me. I just really enjoyed it.
We will be heading down to Sacramento for volleyball this coming friday. It will be fun to get back to watching Lynsey play. Just for a weekend, then on to visit family. It will be a good time for all.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
so much!!
First of all, Tuesday night Chelsey had her final choir concert of the year. She sang the song "Part of your world" as Ariel from the Little Mermaid, hence the costume. She did an absolutely fabulous job! She made her momma proud.
Well, later that evening when the concert was done, we went home and we were greeted by some people from Texas. My little boy arrived. Little boy Blake, who looked at me with sleepy eyes and said, "Aunt Brandi". He came and snuggled in my arms and we sat in the rocking chair and he promptly fell asleep. I was in heaven. In my rocking chair with my little boy. I couldn't ask for anything else.
Here we are saying how much Aunt Brandi loves him, so we had some big grins!!!

He loved on Lynsey at lunch the next day,
as well as Chelsey. He is so sweet with the girls and he is so kind and well mannered, his mommy and daddy did really well!!
Well, ok, so he didn't arrive alone. He arrived with his Mommy, Daddy, and little sister Kate. We had fun getting to talk to them again and reminisce about the old times. We spent Wednesday trying to get in as many visits as possible with people who meant something to Mom and Dad and Blake. We introduced, or rather re-introduced little sister to all the people we visited. We had a great lunch with some of the peoples,Sue and Uncle Jeff. Little Kate was trying to break a tooth through and she was tired, she needed a break. So home to nap we went. After they woke from their nap,
Bugg had to go to volleyball practice and Little bit was supposed to have a game, so to their next adventure they went.
Today, was and still is a very important day. The board of directors and the shareholders of the surgery center had a big meeting tonight. Well, the meeting was not favorable for some of us employees, so a couple of us, and I do mean a couple!! stood out front of the surgery center with some signs that read, "JUST VOTE NO". Well, we were greeted with some funny grins from the doctors and some interesting pleas, but nonetheless, we were invited in about 45 minutes later to hear the GOOD NEWS!! They all voted no!! They VOTED NO!! We get to stay the same! No changes in the near future for us. I know that I had lots of people praying and God answers prayers, hallelujah! I am just so happy. My little bit is ecstatic as well, she doesn't want us to move!! So we are staying the same. I am so thrilled I just can't stand it.
well, enough babbling for now! I am just so happy. :~}
He loved on Lynsey at lunch the next day,
Bugg had to go to volleyball practice and Little bit was supposed to have a game, so to their next adventure they went.
Today, was and still is a very important day. The board of directors and the shareholders of the surgery center had a big meeting tonight. Well, the meeting was not favorable for some of us employees, so a couple of us, and I do mean a couple!! stood out front of the surgery center with some signs that read, "JUST VOTE NO". Well, we were greeted with some funny grins from the doctors and some interesting pleas, but nonetheless, we were invited in about 45 minutes later to hear the GOOD NEWS!! They all voted no!! They VOTED NO!! We get to stay the same! No changes in the near future for us. I know that I had lots of people praying and God answers prayers, hallelujah! I am just so happy. My little bit is ecstatic as well, she doesn't want us to move!! So we are staying the same. I am so thrilled I just can't stand it.
well, enough babbling for now! I am just so happy. :~}
Monday, June 2, 2008
I haven't been on much lately. The doctor started me on some new meds and I have been a zombie. I have been busy with the girls as well. Bugg is back to volleyball practice, she heads down the 12th for her volleyball tournament in California. Little bit is still doing softball as well as mixing soccer tryouts in there. Just busy I guess.
My mom's closest friend from grade school is currently dying from metastatic breast cancer, and it is taking it's toll on everyone. It is hard to watch someone close to you go through the pain and misery of a cancer death. The girls and I went to pray with her yesterday and told her Jesus loves her very much, and she just cried. It is so sad.
So there really hasn't been much for me to talk about. Not really sure what it is I need to share.
I am so excited to see my loved ones from Texas, they will be here tomorrow!! I can't wait. I am off work for the next two days and can't wait to see them and have them here with us, even if for a short time.
Well, there will definitely be more after the visit.
For now, that's it.
My mom's closest friend from grade school is currently dying from metastatic breast cancer, and it is taking it's toll on everyone. It is hard to watch someone close to you go through the pain and misery of a cancer death. The girls and I went to pray with her yesterday and told her Jesus loves her very much, and she just cried. It is so sad.
So there really hasn't been much for me to talk about. Not really sure what it is I need to share.
I am so excited to see my loved ones from Texas, they will be here tomorrow!! I can't wait. I am off work for the next two days and can't wait to see them and have them here with us, even if for a short time.
Well, there will definitely be more after the visit.
For now, that's it.
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