My sweet friend Alicia gave birth to her precious new baby boy on Friday night. Her mother and I had been texting back and forth for several hours over the day. She had him at 9:20 pm, so I didn't go see him until Saturday. Bugg went with me the first visit, Peanut was sick and she was not happy that I wouldn't let her get near the baby, so she wouldn't come. The second time I met my girlfriend Tammy there. So here are a couple of the many pics I took.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Time in Medford...
We went to Crater High school for a "friendship Tournament" yesterday. It was a fun day! We don't normally see the teams we played yesterday at our "power league" tournaments, we had seen some of these girls during regular high school season though. The girls were in a bracket in the morning that wasn't much competition for them, they won all their matches with their opponents scoring less than 10 points. We had a big gap in the morning play and we weren't to play in the Championship bracket until 2, so Hubs, Peanut, Puddles, Nana and I left to find some food and we were going to bring it back for Bugg and Papa. While we were out, we went to this Taco Bell that was part of a Subway, Mini Mart, Truck Stop. We ran into Gimry from our church. We asked what he was doing and blah blah. He had been bringing some big rigs home from California when the scale patrols stopped him and his traveling partner. Told them they couldn't continue for some reason with one of the rigs. So Gimry wants to know if any one from our clan can drive a rig home. Gimry says it is only back a couple of miles and if you would drive me there we can get the rig and you can bring it home after the tournament. OK, Gimry, Jeff, and the other guy (never did get his name) head out in our suburban to get the rig, leaving Nana, Peanut, Puddles and I at the Taco Bell truck stop. Papa and Bugg start wondering where we are, when are we bringing back some food? We find out Jeff had to drive some 20 miles south to get the rig with Gimry. We get a message that Bugg is getting ready to play again and I am getting anxious. I know we are doing the right thing by helping Gimry, but I am thinking I am going to miss my girl playing some ball. They finally return, nameless guy driving my suburban, Gimry and Jeff in the other rig. We are waiting for them outside in the rain. So we head back to the school. They are only in the first game, it was finally some competition. Bugg is upset with us because she didn't get to eat. Oh well. They end up winning the games, very good games. They get a 5 minute break and play again. This is a little bit harder match. They are behind a few times, have to pull ahead, win the first game. Game two is much the same as game one, lots of back and forth with the score, now we are close, we are playing past 25 point to point, suppose to win by two, but we get 27 first and that is the cap, thank goodness. So on to the championship game. The girls played well, they were playing a team that was the best of the best from southern Oregon. The girls were all 5'9" and taller and they were mostly seniors in high school. Our team comprises of mostly sophomores with 3 freshman. So we did well to be in the final match with the team we were. We didn't win. But with that kind of competition, it would be hard to win anyway. They were disappointed, but they knew they couldn't compete with the likes of that. A couple more years of experience makes the difference. It was fun. So we headed back to the truck stop and picked up the rig. Hubs and Peanut rode in it and the rest of us in the suburban. The rain started falling, the sky was getting darker. It was quite the drive home. Big rigs around us. I was trying to stay behind Hubs the whole time, but one time I had to pass and then drive real slow for him to catch up and pass me by. It made for an adventuresome drive home. Dad was a great co-pilot and Hubs did an awesome job driving the strange rig home.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Father/Daughter Dance
Because I am not a digital scrapper, I have a lot of pictures to show you.
Peanut got really frustrated with her hair, so we decided to help. We both manned the curling irons and went to curling....Puddles had some trouble figuring out which way to make a curl, so she resorted to holding the hair and I curled it. While holding she was able to make Peanut laugh a little, which was a really good thing.
I love you today, tomorrow, yesterday, last month, and forever!: While I'm at it...
There is an awesome "video" of Bugg and one of her kills at the last volleyball tourney. Check it out here: I love you today, tomorrow, yesterday, last month, and forever!: While I'm at it...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Our Valentine's Day...
For dinner, Hubs came home from work and decided to make some pizza. So this was our Valentine dinner.
While Hubs was working, I took Peanut and her girlfriend to the Beauty School for Pedicure and Manicure. Peanut got the pedicure and her friend got the manicure. They seemed to enjoy themselves a whole bunch. While I was there I ran into a friend from high school that I hadn't seen since High School. It was really fun to sit and visit and get to know her all over again while our family members received the services.
Peanut and I began working on her room when we got home. My sister gave Peanut this beautiful bed that had been my nephews. He "outgrew" it and they kindly donated it to us. Peanut had been sleeping on the trundle bed, it is one of the older versions, all metal...for the last few months since we got rid of the bunk beds. So she was ready for a real bed in her room.
Well, now she is concerned that the desk that her daddy built won't really fit in her room any more. So, she being the sweet thing she is didn't want to tell him, because she thought it might hurt his feelings. I said I would gladly take that project desk and use it for my scrapbooking! I was thrilled. So that was a way to soften the blow to her daddy. But then talking about it last night, Bugg said she wanted the desk! So I may not get it for my scrapbooking. If you remember, from one of the very first blogs I wrote, this project desk was made from a picture in the Pier 1 flyer. It has bookcases on each end, so it would be ideal for me to use for scrapbooking. We will see who wins this battle. But for now, here is the bed...
After all our work on Peanut's room, we had to drive out to get Bugg from Dribbler's house. She had spent the day with him at a basketball tournament in North Bend. While we were out, we stopped by Nana and Papa's for a visit. Upon our return home, we found this little surprise.....

Boy were they delicious!!! Hope your day was extra special.
Boy were they delicious!!! Hope your day was extra special.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Seven Feathers
Last night Hubs and I were asked by a couple from church to go to dinner at Seven Feathers. My hubs is not a big "go out" kinda guy, so him agreeing was pretty cool. We met at David and May's, but David wasn't there. He was off looking at his brother's boat. We waited for him, as well as waited on Steve and Jocelyn. We all piled in to the Yukon and headed to Canyonville. When we arrived, the wait was to be about 45 minutes. So they gave us this little doo-hickey thing to carry around and off we went. First we toured the gift shop. Next, Steve got a coffee, May and I and Hubs got a drink and we "toured" the casino. I being the naive one that I am, had no clue what most of that stuff was. I was looking and asking questions and probably driving those Casino dwellers crazy. We stop at this machine and Steve tries his luck. He does OK, then he wins $75. WOW! So he cashes out and tries again. Only to win another $25. Holy Buckets! He plays a couple more rounds and then cashes out his $19.00. This machine was kinda by itself and right outside this "closet bar". So the Bartender comes out and asks us if someone important is playing because all 6 of us are huddled around this one machine. We are like, "No one important, we just don't know what we are doing, so, we are watching him!" He makes jokes with us for a while. We get called to dinner some hour and some time later. It is an all you can eat Seafood buffet. Oh my! Does that make my hubs happy. I like fish, but really not the shelled stuff, so for him to be able to get "all you can eat", oh my! Those guys pigged out on shrimp. There were so many skins at our table it was gross! But we had some fun. After dinner, Steve tried his luck again. Not such a big winner as before dinner. David and May thought they would try as well. They were not winners either. So Jeff and I spent $5 on a quarter machine. I lost. Big surprise there. So our conversation on the way home consisted of "God works in mysterious ways" because Steve said he really needed a new pair of work boots and since he had won $94 he could now get some. All in all, I had a great time. Jeff, on the other hand said, "it was interesting". We'll see if I can get him out again. :~)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sunday Volleyball
Bugg rocked in Albany this past Sunday. She has improved so much. Her timing, her heighth of the jump, the intensity of the hit, all of it. She was soooo good. Her past coach was there shooting some pictures, he is much better at it than I, so I stole his to show you. Enjoy!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Saturday Evening family time....
Tonight we had some down time, so we decided to play a family game. Peanut chose Pictionary, it is her favorite, her friend "honey bunches of oats" hadn't played before, but we showed her!
The girls were on the first one for quite some time. Hubs and I advanced a few spaces with minimal effort. Then the girls got the hang of it and passed us up big time. Hubs and I began to gel again and we won! It was fun.
Puddles and Bugg didn't want to join us...they headed to Sonic

The girls were on the first one for quite some time. Hubs and I advanced a few spaces with minimal effort. Then the girls got the hang of it and passed us up big time. Hubs and I began to gel again and we won! It was fun.
Last night, Hubs and I were invited to play Pinnochle with this group from our church. It was at Buck and Vicki's house. We get invited once or twice a year. Hubs usually takes the prize as the big winner each time we play. Last night, I actually won. I did not have a losing round. I ended up with the high total and I got $12.00. Then Bugg went bowling with Dribbler and his family today, guess what she asks for? You guessed it....Money. My hard earned money from last night, handed over to the girl. The nice thing is, she returned it this evening because Dribbler's dad paid for everything. Nice, huh?
Tomorrow we have a volleyball tourney. Will be posting a blog about that.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sunday afternoon was rest/play time. We rested after church, played some wii and watched the teams play in the Superbowl. We had some fun. Wii is always entertaining, the only time I play is at Sis's and it is quite the challenge for some of us technically challenged individuals. The children beat me at EVERYTHING! Yes, I came in 12th on Maria Cart racing, out of 12. It was fun. Here are some pics to remember it by....
Saturday Evening....
Carley had a Bowling Party for her Birthday. She turned 9 on the 28th. This little girl, who wasn't expected to make her first birthday is as alive as ever, running the show~as you will see from some pictures below. There are some pics of what the rest of us were doing as well. Enjoy~
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