So, my sweet little niece "Curly Sue" turned 9! on the 28th. We, Nana, Papa, Bugg, Peanut, and I; are heading up to see her this weekend. Tonight after Nana gets off work we will leave. T-Rex has a soccer game tomorrow morning and Curly has a bowling party in the afternoon. We are planning on staying through the SuperBowl with my sis and then heading home on Monday.
Hubs has the extra early shift on Monday, so he is not going to make the trip with us. Bummer, :~(. We will miss him, but we are going to have some fun. So look forward to lots of posts and pictures when we get done with our weekend.
Hope yours is as good as ours will be. :~}
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A nice surprise...
My sweetie brought me a delightful gift to spur me on. I was so surprised I argued with our receptionist, because I have never gotten flowers before!
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Brothers' Grimm~out of order
Peanut is in a drama class at school. It is mid term time and she needed to perform her play for the "public". So the 7th graders performed "The Brother's Grimm~out of Order". It was a spoof. It was rather humorous. You could definitely tell the serious actors from the ones that just wanted to get a grade. It was enjoyable nonetheless. So here are some pictures.
She played Gretel~from Hansel and Gretel.

She played Gretel~from Hansel and Gretel.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Just an FYI...
...for all my blogging friends, Bugg has started her own blog. If you click on Bugg's blog to the right, here, you will be connected. Enjoy! Don't forget to leave her a comment so she knows you stopped by.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
this week
This week has been an adventure. An adventure I am not sure that I want to repeat. Tuesday, Peanut had a fundraising meeting for Costa Rica, so I took her. Hubs took Bugg to vb practice. When she got home from practice she had received some threatening text messages from a certain kid. We were concerned, it not only threatened her, but her dad and the family. We were unsure really how to deal with this, obviously prayer. That always works, but what else? Do we sit with our hands held and do nothing or do we act. I let a few people know of this so they could pray. My dear sister, Kelly Gay, works for the Sheriff's office, so she was able to receive the messages and tell us that this is a reportable crime. We made a report, the officer talked to the kid and we haven't had smooth sailing, but yet we have. God has been so good. He has given us such peace. Our outpouring of love from our friends has been insurmountable. The people willing to help us with picking the girls up from school and just praying with us, has been inspiring. We know that it isn't the number of friends that we have, it is the quality, and let me tell you, they have been the best. Our lives are peaceful because of the God of Peace. We aren't trying to live in fear, but we know that we are being cautious and that there are a few people who "have our backs". It is good. It is a roller coaster ride, that I didn't really enjoy, but one I can definitely learn from. Keep us in your prayers.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Time for more volleyball
The time has come for more volleyball. Bugg has been practicing since November, and she is on the 16u team for the Roseburg Volleyball Club.
We traveled to Albany yesterday for our first tournament. It is really like a seeding tournament, they guess where you should be and then you play and find out if you were seeded in the right place or not. We were seeded pretty low, like 36 or something like that. They took a few minutes to warm up during the first game, but they didn't lose one game all day. They mastered the tournament. The morning started out though with a frantic phone call from "the other car". Let me explain here, my girlfriend bought a new car over the holidays. She sold her old car to a friend of a friend from Camas, Washington. She needed to get the car at least half way. I told her we were going to Albany, would that help? So~Hubs, Puddles, Bugg, and "Dribbler" (I will explain who that is in a minute) drove up to Albany in the Suburban. Me, Nana and Peanut (bad grammar) drove my friends car up. I was about 15 minutes behind them because~well, I was waiting on Nana. We hadn't gotten to the exit and a phone call comes, how far are you? We are close, a few more miles. Bugg has only got one shoe! Bugg has gotten a new pair of court shoes each volleyball season. Early that morning I went and took a pair of her older ones to wear myself. Bugg frantically tells me she needs my shoes! I am still driving! Then I think to myself, what am I going to wear all day? Phone calls come for the next few moments awaiting our arrival. Bugg meets us in the parking lot asking for my shoes. I send Peanut in to find out what I am going to wear all day. I got to wear these slipper things that made my feet hurt, but she played well :~}.
Bugg is the one with the black shoes~thank goodness for moms who wear your shoes :~}
We traveled to Albany yesterday for our first tournament. It is really like a seeding tournament, they guess where you should be and then you play and find out if you were seeded in the right place or not. We were seeded pretty low, like 36 or something like that. They took a few minutes to warm up during the first game, but they didn't lose one game all day. They mastered the tournament. The morning started out though with a frantic phone call from "the other car". Let me explain here, my girlfriend bought a new car over the holidays. She sold her old car to a friend of a friend from Camas, Washington. She needed to get the car at least half way. I told her we were going to Albany, would that help? So~Hubs, Puddles, Bugg, and "Dribbler" (I will explain who that is in a minute) drove up to Albany in the Suburban. Me, Nana and Peanut (bad grammar) drove my friends car up. I was about 15 minutes behind them because~well, I was waiting on Nana. We hadn't gotten to the exit and a phone call comes, how far are you? We are close, a few more miles. Bugg has only got one shoe! Bugg has gotten a new pair of court shoes each volleyball season. Early that morning I went and took a pair of her older ones to wear myself. Bugg frantically tells me she needs my shoes! I am still driving! Then I think to myself, what am I going to wear all day? Phone calls come for the next few moments awaiting our arrival. Bugg meets us in the parking lot asking for my shoes. I send Peanut in to find out what I am going to wear all day. I got to wear these slipper things that made my feet hurt, but she played well :~}.
Friday, January 9, 2009
I was trying to be fun and sneaky all at the same time, plotting and planning~all to no avail.
You see, yesterday my sister turned 40! So very exciting. I took a couple of days off of work and planned my little trip to see her, she had no idea, no one in her family did. I called her yesterday morning~acting like I was only on break at work~and she mentions that there is flooding everywhere, the kids have a delay at school because of it and she thinks I-5 might be closed.
Oh, I say, trying not to sound concerned. I get off the phone, head to the computer and the news stations and find out that indeed, I-5 is closed the 20 mile stretch that I need to go on to get to her exit! I can't get there. My car is loaded and ready, presents for the sister, my bags for a couple of days, and there is no way to get to her. The only option a 400, yes 400 mile detour. I don't think so. I wait...I watch.....I listen....I make phone calls....I can't get there. So finally, last night after she went to dinner with her family, I let her in on a little secret. Sis, I was going to be there with you tonight, but the rain had a different plan.
Today, I still sit here, wishing that I could get through I-5 to my sister. But I guess, I will just have to do it another day.
By the way, thank you for your prayers. God is good~all the time.
You see, yesterday my sister turned 40! So very exciting. I took a couple of days off of work and planned my little trip to see her, she had no idea, no one in her family did. I called her yesterday morning~acting like I was only on break at work~and she mentions that there is flooding everywhere, the kids have a delay at school because of it and she thinks I-5 might be closed.
Oh, I say, trying not to sound concerned. I get off the phone, head to the computer and the news stations and find out that indeed, I-5 is closed the 20 mile stretch that I need to go on to get to her exit! I can't get there. My car is loaded and ready, presents for the sister, my bags for a couple of days, and there is no way to get to her. The only option a 400, yes 400 mile detour. I don't think so. I wait...I watch.....I listen....I make phone calls....I can't get there. So finally, last night after she went to dinner with her family, I let her in on a little secret. Sis, I was going to be there with you tonight, but the rain had a different plan.
Today, I still sit here, wishing that I could get through I-5 to my sister. But I guess, I will just have to do it another day.
By the way, thank you for your prayers. God is good~all the time.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Not really sure...
So, I get this phone call today, telling me that I need to tell my daughter to stop taunting this young lady and me to not call her a liar. This young lady goes to our church and this was from her mother. I call the mother back, mind you I was on my break at work, to find out what exactly the message meant. I had talked with this young lady yesterday and I did not, in fact, call her a liar, the incident in question, the young lady admitted to doing. So then, this mother goes on to tell me that my daughter and I are neither one being Christ-like and we need to knock it off. I spoke calmly and explained the information that she was babbling on about and cleared up a few misinformation's, only to have her continue to tell me that my parenting skills are lacking and that I am not being what I should be. Mind you, while I spoke with this young lady yesterday she proposed the same situation to me in 4 very different ways, which I did not correct her on, I just let her continue to talk, therefore; not calling her a liar. Then, this mother said that I told a different person that she couldn't minister to a teenage boy. I told this mother~that was not correct information and I told her the real information and also reminded her that that was between me and the person involved, not her. I also told her it was not her place to tell me whether I am being Christ-like in my parenting~it was between God and me and my husband. So, I began shaking and crying because this woman continued to tell me that my daughter is a liar and I am reaping the consequences of a choice I made last year. I reminded this mother that when we made that choice last year, she being my friend at the time told me "better you than me". Which she denied ever saying. I then told this mother that I didn't need to be talking to her as she was upsetting me and I promptly hung up the phone. I called my husband and cried my eyes out.
So why do I write all of this? I guess to get it off my chest, firstly and secondly, to ask you to pray for me. Because, if I am indeed not being Christ-like I would to change that. But also to pray that I will parent my child in a Christ-like manner, as well as learn to forgive this person; whom once claimed to be my friend.
So why do I write all of this? I guess to get it off my chest, firstly and secondly, to ask you to pray for me. Because, if I am indeed not being Christ-like I would to change that. But also to pray that I will parent my child in a Christ-like manner, as well as learn to forgive this person; whom once claimed to be my friend.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy Birthday Peanut~~
Today after church, Nana and Papa came over to celebrate Peanut's 13th birthday. They decided to have some cake and let her open what she had. Her grandparents had sent cards, her aunt Candi had given presents at Christmas to hang on to and we (Nana and I) were going to take her shopping fore her birthday.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy sleepover Peanut... the teeny boppers were here.
We had about 15, I think.
They played some mafia...
ate some pizza...
played some mafia....
ate some ice cream cake....
played some wink of death...
played some music....
drank some soda....
some went home....
some stayed....
ate more food...
played more games...
stayed up all night.....
I mean all night, by 9 am they decided to lay down. Some moms started to come....very difficult to get the girls to awaken now.
Well, Peanut is finally awake. How many hours later??
That is how you celebrate your 13th birthday at my house.
Crazy!! :~}
We had about 15, I think.
They played some mafia...
ate some pizza...
played some mafia....
ate some ice cream cake....
played some wink of death...
played some music....
drank some soda....
some went home....
some stayed....
ate more food...
played more games...
stayed up all night.....
I mean all night, by 9 am they decided to lay down. Some moms started to come....very difficult to get the girls to awaken now.
Well, Peanut is finally awake. How many hours later??
That is how you celebrate your 13th birthday at my house.
Crazy!! :~}
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year~2009
So I have decided that Jeff and I are officially OLD!
My parents did more than we did for New Year's!
Wow!! The girls both were out doing their thing, so Jeff and I were home.
I had been sick since the Friday after Christmas, so I wasn't overly enthusiastic about doing anything myself. But, by 9pm Jeff was sound asleep and I was playing on the computer. Pretty lame huh? I tell you.
We are preparing to have several preteens/teenyboppers over tonight. Peanut is turning 13 on Sunday and is having her party tonight. She has invited a bunch of gals over to have a MAFIA party. Our friends the M~Family taught us this game a long time ago and it has forever been a hit for Peanut. So tonight she invites the girls over and Mafia it is. Some people from work today suggested I hire the black limousine and some gangster fellas to show up and scare the daylights out of the girls. I should have thought of that sooner :~}.
My parents did more than we did for New Year's!
Wow!! The girls both were out doing their thing, so Jeff and I were home.
I had been sick since the Friday after Christmas, so I wasn't overly enthusiastic about doing anything myself. But, by 9pm Jeff was sound asleep and I was playing on the computer. Pretty lame huh? I tell you.
We are preparing to have several preteens/teenyboppers over tonight. Peanut is turning 13 on Sunday and is having her party tonight. She has invited a bunch of gals over to have a MAFIA party. Our friends the M~Family taught us this game a long time ago and it has forever been a hit for Peanut. So tonight she invites the girls over and Mafia it is. Some people from work today suggested I hire the black limousine and some gangster fellas to show up and scare the daylights out of the girls. I should have thought of that sooner :~}.
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