Sunday, July 24, 2011

Historical Marker for us...

This weekend has proved to be a monumental weekend for us at the LUIZ house. We spent Saturday and Today taking things to Eugene to Bugg's very first apartment. She is getting ready to sign up for college classes at Lane Community to start her career path to Dental Hygiene. Such an exciting adventure for all of us, but such a bittersweet moment. We are having a little bit of withdrawals around here with her not being here so much. But, all is good. We had a great service at church together, all four of us. It was a good moment for each of us. I am looking forward to the next adventure. We had her fella's family there today to help us unload and that was awfully kind. Her future Mother in law helped her get her room organized and more ideas to make it more suitable for the next year (at least) of living. Her roommate came and checked out the place and was pleased with her choice. They will have some good times together. Look forward to many more adventures. :~)

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