Bugg was trying on her new cap and gown for us. Her graduation was set for Sunday, June the 5th. We had planned for this weekend for a long time. The party was an open house in the afternoon of Saturday, so that our out of towners could come and enjoy some time with us. The only little problem we had with this, was that Peanut was playing in a softball tournament in Portland. So my Sister and T, gladly stopped on their way from Curly's tournament and picked her up and brought her home for graduation. But, they were unable to enjoy the Open House.
We were glad they made it to Graduation though!

Finding her seat. We totally lucked out, she was on the end! She had told me where she would be sitting when they had their practice on Friday, so I had the inside scoop. I later found that I was one of the lucky Mom's because a few of my friends, were not told where their child was sitting! I knew my girl was a smart one!! ;~)

Heading up for the diploma. Look at those legs! She is so pretty! What a proud Mommy.

The family separated on the way out, half of us went one way and the other half went the other way, so we got scattered pictures with the graduate!

My uncle came all the way from Texas to be with us. He was intending it to be a surprise, but that wasn't exactly how it turned out!
We also were treated to another family from Texas...the Lion's Den. Jeff's aunt came from Kansas, his mom and brother from California and my Sister from Washington. We, of course, were blessed with our local family and friends as well, but had to put a ~shout out~ to those who traveled just for Bugg!
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