Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving 09

Thanksgiving started out with Hubs heading into work early. We thought we were going to go to my sister's for the holiday, but at the last minute, the store told Hubs that the Manager's had to work the holiday. So, while he was at work and the girls were sleeping, I got the turkey cooking in the oven. Sat in the quietness of the morning reading. A little while later, Aunt M. woke up. She was making a pit stop on the way to her sister's from Cali to Portland. We had some coffee together and a some conversation and she headed up I-5. By 8:30 or 9 I was ready for a nap. Just kidding! I made the dressing and cleaned up the house. The girls got up and got ready. Hubs got off early and we headed to Nana and Papa's house. Here is the fam ready to head to Nana and Papa's.
The girls went in and sat on the sofa, while I helped mom get ready for supper.
Papa, doing his thing before dinner. He was checking the ads and snacking! :~)

The beautifully decorated table...

After supper and clean up, we all (minus Papa) sat down for a game of dominoes.
Uncle K joined us for dinner and dominoes....
Bugg was done!
Funny faces after game time.

We packed up our things and headed to Hubs' brothers house. His mom and little brother had come up from California, so we headed over for some visiting.

We were greeted by this precious thing...this is Autumn. My sister in law's new niece that came this year! She is precious and a joy to be around.
The girls and Uncle Joey veggin'

Aunt Cay lovin' on her little niece...

The boys visiting in the kitchen......
Picture time with Mom....
a proud mom and her boys!

After this picture, Joey headed off to some friends' house, Eric went to bed, Cay's brother and his little family left. So the girls and Cay and Jeff and Grandma and I played "apples to apples" til time to go home. That was our thanksgiving.
On Friday, I didn't go out. I am not a 'black Friday' shopper. I did take Peanut to the movie, but that was about it.
On Saturday, we got ready and Bugg and I headed over to Gramma Willy's and put together 28 blankets for the cancer patients. Kelly, Tina, Molly, Bugg, me and Gramma Willy were quite the little assembly machine. We are putting together Christmas baskets for the Cancer patients from the Treva Hoffman Foundation.
That was our holiday weekend.
Hope you enjoyed yours.

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