Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Choir Concert

Last night was the Winter concert for Peanut's choir. They get to wear the red robes, but they are asked to wear black on the bottom and white on the top. So she had just finished getting ready and I said, "I need pictures". It is so difficult to take pictures inside the auditorium. I just took them ahead of time :~)
funny face

serious now

with Dad in her robe

with Mom and her robe!!
Fun times. Her group sings last. It is a little disconcerting because when the 6th grade choir finishes, all those families leave. Then the Mixed choir sings and those families leave. So when the concert choir sings, it is a smaller crowd, but it is a delightful performance!! :~)
It is fun to watch the kids develop into better musicians as the time goes on.

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