This is one of the chapters in the new book by Margaret Feinberg, Fight Back with Joy! . I was given the honor and privilege of having one of the Advanced Reader's Copies to preview a couple of months back and I have been waiting and counting the days until its release.
Knowing that people are praying for you when you are going through a difficult time is one of the most honored privileges that we as Christians are able to experience. I know this first hand.
Less than a year ago, I made a very challenging and difficult decision to leave my husband.
I know that this is about Joy and I will get to the point, on the way though we are talking about knowing that you are loved and prayed for. You see, I had been begging my husband to drink less, spend more time with me and less with his buddies, to make good choices, and none of this was happening. I was having time and time again of begging him to not drink so much, to not drive home when he was drinking, to give me a call.........
I had said on a number of occasions that he had to choose between me and the alcohol. I don't remember the exact details of that weekday, I just know that I had some decisions to make.
I had been seeing my counselor for some time, she had been bathing me in prayer. She had asked that I find key friends to pray for me as well. There were a few close to me that I kept on speed dial. I had a plan in place and I had to make it happen. As I packed my stuff and left for the unknown length of time, I knew that these select few were praying...... and praying hard!
There was a huge amount of peace and presence of the Lord with me. It was a horribly emotional time, I don't think I quit crying for a couple of days, but I knew I had God with me. That somehow this would all be ok.
I had the support of my church members as they began to hear about my plight. My girls were not happy and they were very angry with me.....but I was at peace. God was with me. He was there....whispering in my ear....
I've got this....
You will be alright...
I know this isn't easy, but you are right where you need to be.....
I heard Him. I felt Him. I knew He was with me. I had no doubt. God was right there the whole time.
In Margaret's book
I found that it didn't matter the circumstance, it didn't matter the situation, it didn't matter my emotional state, I was fighting back with joy.
I am so looking forward to sharing this book, that I have my entire ladies' bible study starting it this month! I believe strongly in the words that Margaret shared and the rationale behind them. I believe God spoke through her for many of us women, to fight back with Joy. To find our joy in the midst of the fight.
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